
brick lined


Conveyor or Deck

cooking levels

Countertop or Floor Model

deck cooking area

deck height

display oven

max temp

mechanical requirement

overall dimensions

production per hour

Single or Split Conveyor


type of deck

type of pizza


Criteria of how this selector was designed.

  • We based hourly production on how many 16″ pizzas could be cooked per hour. If an ovens maximum pizza size is under 16″ we used the nearest size for that oven. Hourly production can vary depending on many factors including cooking temperature and type of pizza. Please note, Neapolitan style is based on 12″ pizzas for production per hour.
  • Deck Height is the height as measured from the bottom deck or conveyor belt to the bottom of the top deck or any other oven elements that would hinder anything entering the oven. Note, some conveyor ovens have adjustable openings, and some display ovens have a deck height that is taller than the door opening. Speak with a salesperson if these dimensions are critical to your menu item.
  • Cooking Area is the width x depth of the actual cooking area.
  • Not all the images represent the actual model. For example we offer multiple stacked pizza ovens but only have an image of the single deck. Refer to the Number of Levels filter if you are in need of a stacked or multi-level oven.
  • Always consult with local building codes before making your final purchase.