Four Ways Firex Can Grow Profits with Fast and Efficient Production

When it comes to foodservice equipment, Firex is synonymous with speed, consistency, and maximizing the potential of labor. Add in versatility that allows it to be used in a range of different scenarios, and you have a way to turn your recipes into profits.

Here are four ways Firex customers grew profits and found solutions for fast and efficient production.

Product Merchandising

Restaurants with successful menu items can often prepackage those foods to create additional revenue streams outside of the dining room. Consider a restaurant that thrives on an empanada business that’s so popular the empanadas could be packaged and sold as takeout or even in grocery stores or retail. The problem to this type of growth is often production capacity.

Firex worked with a New York business in this exact situation. Making 2,000 units per day, the operation made empanada fillings that took up to four hours depending on the recipe. With the Firex Betterpan Tilt-Skillet, the same fillings can be made in one hour and 15 minutes using 65 percent less labor, which can be reallocated for the packaging and assembling of a new merchandising business thanks to increased production of two to three times the original amount.


If you’ve ever spent time in a dessert or pastry kitchen, you know the art of sweets is actually a science. It takes precise quantities and temperature controls in order to achieve optimal results. This can be labor-intensive.

Firex worked with a caramel and chocolate shop to help grow production capacity. With the Cucimix 24 Gallon unit, operators were able to gain more precise control of the cooking process while also eliminating the need for staff to constantly monitor that cooking process. High, medium, and low are not options with Cucimix. Instead, the goal is a specific temperature resulting in no scorched batches. After just six months, they ordered a second unit after seeing the potential for increased production and reduced labor.

Bulk and Batch Cooking

An operation in New York was making 50-pound batches of risotto to be used in arancini fritters using a standard braising pan. Risotto is a very delicate dish requiring almost constant attention once the reduction process begins, and as a result, batches required full attention from the chefs. Stirring the rice, folding in ingredients like cheese, and preventing that batch from sticking to the bottom of the braising pan were all manual processes.

With Firex, the operation increased capacity by 1.25 times over original production levels using less labor. The top goal was to sell their risotto in Costco, and after purchasing their new Firex unit, they received a contract for over 100 stores, with production levels expanding to a range of more than one million arancini balls per month.

Retail Growth

As we’ve seen over the past decade, grocery stores are becoming as much like restaurants as they are markets. Today, it’s conceivable to go to the grocery, eat dinner with a glass of wine, enjoy a coffee, and then walk the aisles of the store with a fresh pint before checking out.

One New York grocer cooks up to 1,000 pounds of fresh pasta each day. Before using a Firex Multicooker, it would take no less than four people to cook this volume in six conventional pasta cookers over the course of an eight-hour shift. With Multicooker, they were able to cut staffing to two cooks and finish the same volume in five hours rather than eight. Multicooker units are automated, so no hot and heavy pasta lifting is required, enhancing staff safety, as well.

Learn more about how Firex can grow profits in your foodservice operation.

Start Growing Profits

Topics: Automation, Fine Dining, Grocery, Restaurants