Stay Sanitary With Follett® Hospital Ice Machines

Symphony Plus ice and water dispensers provide the sanitary solution for dispensed ice in hospital and nursing room patient floors.  Designated as a food item by the USFDA, ice can become contaminated if not properly handled, increasing risk particularly for those who are sick or have compromised immune systems.

An Ice and Water Dispenser Designed With Sanitation In Mind 

Minimizing human contact and following proper sanitation procedures can guard against delivering unsanitary ice to patients.  The semi-automatic cleaning and self-flushing features of Symphony Plus are state ofFollett Healthcare Hospital Ice Machine - Symphony Plus 110 Series the art and make sanitizing the machine quick and easy.  SensorSAFE™ touchless dispensing reduces human contact and the risk of cross-contamination.  All models have antimicrobial protection covering key ice and water contact components.

Follett Vision Ice Maker and Beverage DispenserIn addition to patients, Follett didn’t forget about hospital staff and visitors. Vision™ ice and beverage dispenser enables a sanitary and upscale fountain station in a foodservice setting.  Ice storage is under the counter and can be automatically filled without human contact with RIDE® remote ice delivery.  Follett ice machines deliver customer-preferred Chewblet® ice. Vision is low profile which fits into ADA compliant counters, helping patients have access to the beverages available.

Ensuring ice sanitation is only part of the battle in healthcare foodservice. Getting hot, quality meals to patients can be a challenge, until now.


Deliver Meal Satisfaction

Topics: Beverage, Healthcare