Monitor Costs With SkyFlo Pro™ Liquor Control System

Mispoured drinks are a significant detriment to bars. Not only does it cut into the business’s profits, but mispoured alcohol doesn’t allow bar managers to determine exactly how much liquor is going out the door. Skyflo Pro™, a wireless liquor control system, lets bartenders provide consistent drinks every time.

Cut The Cost

Bars are notoriously known to be places where liquor overpours and theft happens. Whether it’s staff accidentally pouring too much liquor making shots or drinks or bartenders purposely giving away free drinks, the bar’s bottom line is affected. Mispours can account for 20% of lost inventory. Even traditional bartender pour spouts aren’t precise enough to help. Skyflo Pro is the only automated pour spout on the market proven to cut liquor costs by up to 30%. By programming in how many ounces of liquor get poured each time, the Skyflo Pro significantly reduces liquor loss and unrecognized sales. The result? Consistent pours by every bartender. By helping save on liquor costs, the Skyflo Pro also provides a quick return on investment.

Increased Speed of Service

Keeping customers happy in the bar industry is top of mind for every bartender. The faster customers get served well-made drinks, the more repeat the bar will see. Skyflo Pro is proven to increase speed-of-service by up to 40% compared to other liquor control systems. With the Skyflo Pro liquor monitoring system, staff doesn’t need to worry about watching each pour and hoping they get close. Instead, they can make drinks faster and even look at the customer while pouring, helping to increase customer service in an industry that thrives on having a great staff-customer relationship.

Real-Time Insights

With servR™, the world’s most intelligent reporting system, Skyflo Pro transmits real-time data tracking. The cloud-based liquor monitoring system allows bar managers to see stats from anywhere they have an internet connection, letting them better determine inventory levels and trends that are appearing in their business. servR also immediately registers the volume metric amount and cost if extra alcohol is poured, helping with staff accountability no matter who’s working. Reporting is easily viewed either through historical data or live views to monitor every pour in order.

Calculate your potential ROI with Skyflo Pro in two easy steps.

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